Este post faz parte de uma série de “guest-posts”, com o objetivo de apresentar as aceleradoras selecionadas pelo programa Start-up Brasil. Quem inaugurará o espaço é  Robert Jansen, CEO da aceleradora Outsource Brazil.  Ao longo das próximas semanas, publicaremos em nosso blog conteúdo produzido por cada uma delas.

This post is part of a guest post series, aimed at introducing the accelerators selected by the Start-up Brasil program. Making the series debut is Robert Jansen, CEO of the accelerator Outsource Brazil. In the upcoming weeks we’ll be publishing in our blog the content produced by each one of the accelarators.

Robert F. Janssen, CEO of the Accelerator Outsouce Brazil, introduces the company, its experience of 20 years of business acceleration with focus on internationalization and explains its methodolody for Startup acceleration.